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Both monocrystalline (mono) and polycrystalline (poly) solar panels serve the same function in the overall solar PV system: they capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. The cells of both are made from silicon, which is a semiconducting material. The difference between the two technologies stem primarily from the production process of the silicon wafers, efficiency and cost.

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The more complex production process means mono solar panels are more expensive than their poly counterparts. But as with most things, a higher price generally means higher quality. And what might seem like a large outlay at first soon becomes a good investment once you start to make savings on your bills. Because they use higher-quality, single-crystal silicon, mono panels are better at turning solar energy into electricity.


If you have a limited amount of roof space, you need a system that will produce as much electricity for your home as possible. Mono panels tend to be more powerful, meaning you can install fewer of them and still achieve an output equal to a larger array of poly panels.  Mono panels have a consistent black sheen because of how light falls on the single-crystal silicon surface.


Polycrystalline are solar panels that consist of several crystals of silicon in a single PV cell. Polycrystalline solar panel price is more affordable than monocrystalline panels due to being easier to make and using multiple silicon cells. The amount of waste is less on the polycrystalline panel because of the way the silicon wafers are applied to the panel. Polycrystalline solar panels are more eco-friendly than monocrystalline solar panels as they do not require individual shaping and placement of each crystal and most of the silicon is utilized during production.

Installing Solar Panel
A staff checking solar panels


Thin-film solar cells (TFSC) are manufactured using a single or multiple layers of PV elements over a surface comprised of a variety of glass, plastic, or metal.  They have a much higher resistance to degradation which means less maintenance will be required. Also, they have a lower thermal loss at extreme temperatures due to the low-temperature coefficient.


Thin film solar cells are ideal for portable and BIPV (building integrated photovoltaics) applications. In addition, thin film solar cells require less material to create the PV modules which makes it very eco-friendly.


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